Friday, December 30, 2011

How to install/uninstall node modules in windows 7?

To install node module
  1. Start command prompt as administrator. For help see this link.
  2. Go to the folder where nodejs installed. Example: CD "C:\Program Files\nodejs\"
  3. Again go to the folder of node_modules under npm. Example: CD "node_modules\npm\node_modules"
  4. Execute command "npm install http-proxy"

To uninstall node module
  1. Follow Step 1 to 3 of above.
  2. Execute command "npm uninstall http-proxy"

Third Party Modules of Node.js

Good Websites to refer about Node.js

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What is Node.js ?

Node is a server-side JavaScript interpreter that changes the notion of how a server should work. Its goal is to enable a programmer to build highly-scalable applications and write code that handles tens of thousands of simultaneous connections on one, and only one, physical machine.

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